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Wednesday, 12 March 2014 15:45

Our team

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The whole website development process from conceptualization to launch to promotion has become too complex for one person to master. Successful websites are borne from a team of specialists who are masters of complex disciplines working together to produce highly effective and compelling websites. At Infront we believe in the capabilities of the individual and in the output of the team. We hire those with the best individual skills and work them into our unique team oriented development process. Each team member has defined responsibilities upon which the rest of the team relies. The result is a product that reflects the efforts of highly skilled professionals who take great pride in their work

The Rock Stars

Production Team:

Kenneth Jones - Senior Web Engineer
Karim Nash - Senior Web Engineer
Brian Richardson - Web Engineer
Kenneth Jones - Interactive Designer
Karim Nash - Interactive Designer
Timothy Jacobs - UI Developer
Dawn Fwolks - UI Developer
Tamika White - UI Developer
Kenneth - Project Manager
Karim Nash - Project Manager
John Jones - Project Manager
Ronald Mills - Systems Administrator
Stacey McCoy- Production Support

Marketing Team:

Karim Nash - Internet Marketing Manager
Wendy Johnson - Internet Marketing Strategist
Kelly Stevens  - Internet Marketing Strategist
Zach Parker - Internet Marketing Developer

Read 2110 times Last modified on Sunday, 27 December 2015 04:53
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